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Online Policy Group, Inc.

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Online Policy Group Special Board Meeting of July 5, 2003

Open to the public, San Francisco, 12:00 PM Pacific Time, July 5, 2003

Please email for specific location if you wish to attend.

Board Meeting Action Item Summary

New action items followed by action items from prior meetings.

Action Item: Will to add a standing agenda item for the Operations Advisory Committee to prioritize which clients we want to do publicity on in the coming month.

Action Item: Roger to set up phpwiki for OPG to include pages for board action items, operations committee items, advisory board, and backup/redundancy plans.

Action Item: David to verify that RT backups are happening daily.

Action Item: David and Roger will work together to set up a verifiable and automatically generated email list of CCCP clients.

Action Item: Roger to remove any unneeded colo lists set up by OPG staff.

Action Item: David to send Will info on colo equipment needs, specifically a router and any switches and the prices for those if they can be obtained through donations.

Action Item: Will to remove domain registration form from services page and to fix web, email, and email list hosting forms so t hat domain registration can be requested from those forms.

Action Item: Will to put possibility of using OPG as agent on domain registration form so that clients may stay out of whois database. [2x renew]

Action Item: Will to enter all board action items into new opg-board queue in RT task manager. [David proposed using wiki instead, David will install wiki for this purpose, renew]

Action Item: Alayna to add Veritas Foundation to the list ( [renew]

Action Item: Roger and Will to come up with email list categories and a pull-down for those categories on the email list request forms. [2x renew]

Action Item: Will to add default support queues for email lists, web hosting, and domain registrations. [2x renew]

Action Item: Roger to make recommendations for improving email request forms. [2x renew, partly done]

Action Item: Roger to investigate whether OPG can make MoveableType available to clients so they can set up blogs. [Can't have centralized MoveableType install due to licensing issues. Drupal is an alternative that is centrally installable. Roger will investigate Drupal further, especially implications for Calliope-related functionality. Roger to set up testing of centralized Drupal installation.]

Action Item: Roger to investigate whether OPG can make Gallery available to clients so they can set up picture galleries. [2x renew, possible integration with Drupal]

Action Item: Will to make the items for free services and donations are on the front page, but want them to be more obvious. [2x rewew, waiting for graphic designer]

Action Item: Roger to ask Beth Weise of NLGJA to pitch or let OPG pitch a story on OPG to their members. [renew, ask is done, waiting for reply, Roger will try again with new contact]

Action Item: Biella to request creation of [2x renew, Roger will setup and administer the list because Biella can't]

Action Item: Biella to investigate proposal to Alameda County Resource Center. [2x Renewed, transferred to Mitch]

Action Item: Will to set up twice weekly aggregated automated task manager email reminders. [3x Renewed]

Action Item: Biella to recruit Larry Lessig for Academic Advisory Board. [2x Renewed, Biella will interview Lessig and ask him on March 4, Will will .]

Action Item: Will to ask Cynthia Cooper to organize a meeting of advisory board members.

Action Item: Roger to add central script repository on [Done]

Action Item: Roger and David W. to do a written redundancy plan including mail server (MX2), local backups, remote backups, spam block recovery, web server failover, crash notification, DNS redundancy, and get in touch with Micah of Tech Fed. Update: just need to set up disk-to-disk backups at HE without MX2 or remote backups, but still considering spam block redundancy, web server failover, crash notification, DDOS recovery, and DNS redundancy.]

Action Item: Will to get graphic intern to do QueerNet logo plus QueerNet and CCCP inserts for the brochure, as well as office signs once logos are done. [Renewed x4: QueerNet will happen when a graphic design volunteer appears, David W.'s co-worker made a new logo for CCCP, Roger to ask *-owners lists for graphic design help.]

Action Item: Will to experiment with brochure design to move name of organization down and increase size of motto while decreasing size of contact info block. [Renewed x4 will happen when a graphic design volunteer appears]

Action Item: Will to investigate T-shirt designs. [Renewed x4: May have to wait for a graphic design volunteer. Roger to send Will idea he received from Carol for T-shirt design.]

Action Item: Roger and Will to do test market email to [list|web|colo]-owners about T-shirts and stickers and ask them for designs. [Renewed x4]

Action Item: Roger to set up auto-generated email list of website-owners. [Renewed x4, pending move to]

Action Item: Biella to attend a BAIDO meeting and let them know about OPG. [Renewed x4, need to assign to someone else]

Action Item: Roger to write web page explaining how AOL handles different categories of incoming email. [Renewed x5.]

Board Meeting Agenda

1. Welcome

2. Approve Agenda

3. Board Responsibilities

4. Review Action Items

5. Financial Report

- Status: Month, Quarter, Fiscal Year to Date

- Forecast: Upcoming revenue and expenses

- Donor thank you notes

- 990 and 199 Filing

- Bank and brokerage account

- Grant proposals

- Fundraising strategy brainstorm

- Board fundraising commitments

6. Online Services

- Services: Email list hosting, Website hosting, Domain registrations, Colocation services

- Support: Task Manager, Upgrades, Redundancy

- Online Community Forum

- New services

7. Research

- Overall: need to recruit volunteers/interns and prioritize projects


- School & Library

- Online oddities & atrocities museum

8. Outreach

- Website status

- Materials: Logo design, website design, business cards, letterhead, brochure, reply card, office sign

- Schwag: T-shirts, stickers, etc.

- Events

9. Action

- Action alert updates

- Legislative and policymaking updates

10. Network

- Web and email list hosting excellent way to expand networking

- Networking brainstorm

- Tech Fed

11. Media

- Media coverage

12. Office Space


- LGBT Community Center

12. Legal

- Representation

- Terms of Service Policy

- Privacy Policy

- Event Liability

13. Human Resources

- Board, advisory board, and committee recruitment

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

- Intern recruitment

14. Vacation and travel schedules

15. Public Comment Period

16. Next meeting(s):

- 12 noon, Saturday, September 6, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, December 6, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, March 6, 2004

- 12 noon, Saturday, June 5, 2004


Board Meeting Minutes

1. Welcome

Attending: Will Doherty (Director), Roger Klorese (Director), David Weekly (Director)

2. Approve Agenda

Motion to approve, seconded, and approved unanimously.

3. Board Responsibilities

Discussed composition of board and how to add members to the board. Roger pointed out we should inventory the skills we need for the board as we recruit. He pointed out that we really need fundraising expertise on the board. He mentioned that aiming at seven board members, as provided by the bylaws, seems like a reasonable board size. He suggested at least two outside directors with fundraising expertise. David brought up the issue of gender and ethnic diversity and Roger agreed it is an important issue roughly equal in importance with the fundraising issue. Will mentioned that diversity into the other constituencies that we represent is important. Roger brought up diversity in computer literacy, gaining representation from users and not just the provider side. David brought up a concern regarding timeliness of decisions on technology related expenses.

Roger expressed his feeling that we are operating as a board and as an executive staff and suggested that we need to split off an operating committee to handle many of the items currently covered in the board meetings. David and Will expressed agreement.

David brought up bringing in some people from CCCP ops or OPG volunteers who could participate in an operations committee. Roger agreed.

Roger mentioned that we could reduce board meeting duration to two hours and have a one or two hour operational meeting once a month. The operations committee would report back to the board for decisions requiring board action.

Will brought up the idea that some day would might also have a fundraising committee of the board.

David expressed a concern that people not on the operations committee might feel that they are not participating fully, but Roger and Will explained that the committee structure works that way with the board members participating in all decisions that are relevant to the board.

David moved that the board create an operations committee that meets monthly. Roger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Roger moved that the operations committee meet on a mutually agreeable weekday evening during the third week of each month. David seconded. Passed unanimously.

Will moved that the name of the operations committee should be the Operations Advisory Committee in accordance with the bylaws of the organization. Roger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Will moved that Roger Klorese, David Weekly, and Will Doherty be initial members of the Operations Advisory Committee. David seconded. Passed unanimously.

The board agreed to contemplate additional members of the Operations Advisory Committee and add them as needed later.

Back on the board issue, David pointed out that we have existing candidates and then how to proceed in recruiting future candidates.

The three candidates are Art McGee, Theeba Soundarajan, and Susan Tenby.

David asked to discuss Susan Tenby first. Will summarized Susan's application to the board, pointing out that she would consider her participation on the board as part of her work responsibilities and wanted to have approval from her manager to participate.

Roger pointed out that Compumentor would not have an ex officio Compumentor seat on the board. David agreed that we should point that out. Roger expressed his concern that a partnership with Compumentor could increase demand for our services without increasing our ability to provide services. Will mentioned that Compumentor would consider joint grant applications, which since they have a track record of success could help immensely in obtaining foundation funding.

David moved that Susan Tenby become a board member of the Online Policy Group. Will seconded. Passed unanimously.

David suggested that meeting Art McGee before making a decision on his board candidacy would be a good idea. Will replied that he would like it if Roger and David met with Art before the next OPG board meeting and Roger and David agreed.

Will outlined Art's experience and the board remarked on the positive interactions we've had so far with Art. Roger asked whether Art is a member of Third World Majority and if that would double representation from that organization if we agreed to bring both candidates related to that organization onto the board. Roger asked about defining the scope of the board and how a "leftie" composition of the board would influence people's perceptions of and the actual politics of the organization. Roger explained that the politics of the organization should be broader than the politics of any individual board member or group of board members. Will said we should consider any candidate in agreement with the organization's vision and mission.

Will presented materials related to Theeba Soundararajan's board candidacy and the board discussed them. Roger said that if Theeba is coming to the organization in a capacity similar to Susan's capacity, that is with the understanding that there is no ex officio position for Third World Majority and that she serves as an individual on the board and need not take back all questions to the collective before making decisions, then Roger is in favor of her candidacy. He mentioned that he is tremendously impressed with the scope and position of Theeba's work with both Witness and Third World Majority. He said Theeba would cover the gap from user sensibility to technology issues that OPG is concerned with, but he wants to clarify the working relationship between Theeba, her collective, and the OPG board. David pointed out that the extent to which she is representing her organization is that there is an avoidance of conflict of interest and that extending beyond that is improper. David said he'd like to see a clarification of whether Theeba is on the board as an individual or as a member of a collective. Roger would like to ask her for a general statement about her role on the board and what she perceives representing the collective as meaning.

Will moved that Theeba Soundararajan be accepted onto the OPG board if she confirms that she would advocate regarding OPG's services with the various clients she relates to in her activities, agrees to participate on the board understanding that the seat on the board is not an ex officio seat for any particular other organization, that she be free to make decisions without consulting with another organization, and that she express an understanding that she should recuse herself on decisions that involve any conflict of interest as all board members should do. David seconded. Approved unanimously.

Roger suggested that at the first board meeting that involves new members we make an effort to have a focused fundraising discussion.

4. Review Action Items

Reviewed and updated action items.

5. Financial Report

- Status: Month, Quarter, Fiscal Year to Date

Will provided report. Brief discussion about how likely OPG is to make last fiscal year goals once Network for Good donations arrive.

- Forecast: Upcoming revenue and expenses

Discussed budget for current fiscal year.

- Donor thank you notes

- 990 and 199 Filing

- Bank and brokerage account

Brokerage account recovering. Cash position ok.

- Grant proposals

- Fundraising strategy brainstorm

- Board fundraising commitments

6. Online Services

- Services: Email list hosting, Website hosting, Domain registrations, Colocation services

Discussed domain registration policy at OPG. OPG currently treats domain registration as a pure service to those engaged in nonprofit activities. Roger feels that domain registrations are less likely that other services to establish an ongoing relationship with a client. With declining domain registration costs, people can register domains elsewhere for less than what it costs OPG. He feels OPG should continue to register domains for clients that use other OPG services and for partners with whom we are affiliated. There is also a mechanical issue that those requesting website hosting get confused about having to request domain registrations separately. We could switch this so that website requests include the domain registration request as needed. Will asked about financial impact on the organization and Roger said it's minimal at this point and more a matter of how we establish a relationship with the client. Will asked about whether we would actually refuse a request.

Action Item: Will to remove domain registration form from services page and to fix web, email, and email list hosting forms so that domain registration can be requested from those forms.

Move of OPG servers: response from people who have sites on machine that needs to move has been pretty dismal. Where OPG is in control of the domain name services, we can move the sites, but clients in control of their own domain name services need to handle it.

Action Item: Roger to prepare client status sheet with columns for website name, username, password, web services such as MT, gallery, custom CGI, etc., comments, and status.

Action Item: Roger and Will to contact clients that need domain name service changes.

- Support: Task Manager, Upgrades, Redundancy

- Online Community Forum (codenamed Calliope)

Will asked Alex to relinquish management of the project. The folks interested in the project are meeting on Tuesday evening. Roger will describe more specifically what he'd like to see as a stop-gap measure prior to full development of the Calliope project, for example, requiring log in for action pages and linking to admin pages from user pages.

- New services

7. Research

- Overall: need to recruit volunteers/interns and prioritize projects


- School & Library

Will published the "Internet Blocking in Schools" report on the day the Supreme Court decided the CIPA library challenge.

The board it would be good to participate in a campaign against wrongly blocked Internet sites along with EFF and other interested organizations. David suggested a site called to host the project.

- Online oddities & atrocities museum

8. Outreach

- Website status

- Materials: Logo design, website design, business cards, letterhead, brochure, reply card, office sign

- Schwag: T-shirts, stickers, etc.

- Events

Possible fundraising event at Cafe du Nord organized by Sister Kitty Catalyst. Will to ask Kitty for a budget for the event.

Roger won $250 of public relations assistance for OPG which could be used for event promotion.

9. Action

- Action alert updates

- Legislative and policymaking updates

10. Network

- Web and email list hosting excellent way to expand networking

- Networking brainstorm

- CalTEG

David described the current situation of CalTEG and considering have them become a project of OPG. CalTEG would provide virtual consultation and website design. Will asked if CalTEG would charge for services and David said they would not charge for services. They have a little cash in the bank but not many donations. David suggested OPG would be a fiscal sponsor for CalTEG at least at first. CalTEG has moved one of its two servers into the colo facility.

The board agreed to have Graham Freeman present a project proposal for CalTEG at the next board meeting.

11. Media

- Media coverage

- Media releases

12. Office Space


- LGBT Community Center

12. Legal

13. Human Resources

- Board, advisory board, and committee recruitment

The Board discussed potential candidates as described above.

- Volunteer recruitment (regular weekly project meetings)

- Intern recruitment

14. Vacation and travel schedules

15. Public Comment Period

No members of the public attending.

16. Next meeting(s):

- 12 noon, Saturday, September 6, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, December 6, 2003

- 12 noon, Saturday, March 6, 2004

- 12 noon, Saturday, June 5, 2004


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Mission Boards / Committees Bylaws
Events / Accomplishments Volunteers / Interns Policies

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